Posted by Jim on 7/26/2022 to
I keep getting asked by a couple of customers to post more in our blog. For me personally (Jim) sitting down at the computer and writing isn't something I am very good at. More so, I would say without a prompt it gets kind of difficult. Not to mention the blog capabilities of this web platform we use isn't the best for writing and creating.
So, I pose the question, what do you want to see here?
Product reviews?
Box Openings?
Convention coverage?
Thoughts about upcoming shows and potential products?
Personal thoughts about the industry (anime/toy/sci-fi)?
I actually went through and updated the look of the web site recently and even updated the calendar of events page to show which conventions we are at. I/we are going to try and tweet and instagram some more. I, Jim, am really not that good at social media. This all would be so much easier if I were a multi-millionaire and could just throw money and hire amazing people to do some of this stuff for me. Alas, I am not; thus, you are stuck with me for the time being. Or at least until I make millions and can hire a ton of people who are actually good at this stuff.
Let us work together to make Megaroad the store you want to see and shop at.